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5. Joe Mooney - Homesteadonomics

Joe Mooney is the host of Hometeadonomics on YouTube. We had a good time discussing how he got into homesteading

Joe Mooney is the host of Hometeadonomics on YouTube. We had a good time discussing how he got into homesteading and the various projects that he highlights on his show. Joe's ingenuity and creative approach to problem-solving are inspirational -- must be his firefighting background.

Quite often, water is a difficult resource to secure, and Joe has mastered this endeavor. Take some time and check out his solutions on water collection on YouTube. Joe can be found on these platforms.

Website: Homesteadonomics

YouTube: Homesteadonomics

Odysee: Homesteadonomics

Instagram: Homesteadonomics

Facebook: Homesteadonomics

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